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Don't Wait to Get the Help You Need

About Lynn McDonald

Knowing when it is time to seek counseling takes wisdom and courage. I fully respect and appreciate the place my clients are coming from and admire their decision to improve their life situation.

I am a NYS licensed Mental Health Counselor and have a post-masters advanced certificate in Mental Health Counseling. After 25 years I remain passionate in my desire to assist you in finding hope in the midst of difficulties and how to reach your desired life goals. I am told frequently that I am very easy to connect with. During the counseling process I offer compassion, encouragement, new tools and insight with a non-judgmental stance.

I provide therapy to children, youth, individuals, couples, and families. Often people come to me with anxiety, depression, trauma histories, behavioral problems, relationship problems, parenting challenges, difficulty with managing stress, or religious or spiritual concerns. I also have experience and training working with those coping with developmental/intellectual disabilities. I am a provider for those who receive waiver services through the NYS (OPWDD) Office for People with Developmental Disabilities services via contract with Presence Developmental Services.

Each person, couple or relationship I worked with arrives with concerns as unique as each individual. My belief is that there is no one ready-made therapeutic approach that works for everyone. The common thread among all, however, is the belief that obstacles stand in the way of an improved life. The specific therapeutic approach depends upon the concerns and needs of the individual, couple or family. My focus is always to acknowledge existing strengths, supports, values, personal choice, and past solutions. Together, we immediately begin to transform negative thoughts, emotions and behaviors to create desired changes. Uncertainty is ok along the way. I will patiently and non-judgmentally listen to your concerns. 

Often symptom reduction is an initial goal with the hope of uncovering root causes that have hindered you and contributed to the challenges you face. Our work together can be a time and space for you to talk about current challenges, past history, feelings, disconnection with others or relationship challenges. I have a unique ability to zero in on core issues. My office is a safe place to unfold your story. I am results oriented and ensure that insight and skills that you have learned in sessions will be transferred into your day to day life. If you desire changes in your life I am here to assist you!

I have specialized experience treating alcohol and substance abuse, individuals with dual diagnoses, mood disorders, anxiety, repetative behaviors, OCD, behavior problems, trauma histories, and medical diagnoses and specialized training and experience treating those with Autism. My diverse experience includes working in the judicial system, outpatient, inpatient rehabilitation, substance abuse, school systems, and medical settings.

Please contact me for an appointment or free 15 minute phone consultation.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP. Also feel free to call. 

Helping families, couples, parents, and individuals repair, recover, and thrive

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